Are you ready to take in a new perspective on life?

Choose to Grow Your Happy today!

You’re not alone! We offer a community and resources for like-minded people who are also raising children with challenges and additional needs.

Self-care is essential for your happiness and well-being, and we can help you with practices and habits to implement in your day to day activities.

By focusing on what’s good in your life, you can feel more positive and hopeful.

Our membership is affordable
and fits into any schedule

You deserve to be happy and we are here to help you make that happen.

Wake up each day and choose to live with intention. Awaken to be present in each moment, savoring what life has to offer you. Life will still be filled with obstacles and challenges, but with learning practices, habits and strategies for optimism and happiness, you can develop a new perspective on life.

Our membership is affordable
and fits into any schedule

You deserve to be happy and we are here to help you
make that happen.

Wake up each day and choose to live with intention. Awaken to be present in each moment, savoring what life has to offer you. Life will still be filled with obstacles and challenges, but with learning practices, habits and strategies for optimism and happiness, you can develop a new perspective
on life.

It’s time to experience a new way of doing things . . .
because happiness starts with simply knowing.

Simply knowing… that we have everything we need to be happy.

It starts when we simplify our lives and our expectations. Knowing that being positive does not always mean that we are always happy. But we build our resilience through positive emotions.

Removing judgment, clearing our mind of thoughts, feelings and emotions that do not serve us.

Creating a pattern of positive practices and habits that will lead us to see what is good in our lives, and find joy in what life has to offer us.

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power
to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

~ Victor Frankel

In the Grow Your Happy Community
you will learn how to feel:

Simple Joy

You cannot give what you are lacking. Fill your life with joy so that you are able to spread joy. Fill your life with self-compassion and self-nurturing so that you are able to help nurture and show compassion to others. When you forgive yourself, you can more easily forgive others. You can only provide for others what you’ve learned to provide for yourself. Practice giving yourself the love, nurturing, and grace first then extend it outwards.


Does your life feel more chaotic than not? Meditation seems impossible because you don’t have the time or space to get that “mindful now moment”? Retreat in the most peaceful spot you can find and spend some quiet time contemplating. Take this time to really value yourself, believe in yourself and all of your abilities. Say to yourself with loving kindness, “May I be safe and protected, may I be peaceful and happy, may I be healthy and strong”. Then say it for someone else. This can be the beginning of a peaceful compassion practice.


Does your life feel more chaotic than not? Meditation seems impossible because you don’t have the time or space to get that “mindful now moment”? Retreat in the most peaceful spot you can find and spend some quiet time contemplating. Take this time to really value yourself, believe in yourself and all of your abilities. Say to yourself with loving kindness, “May I be safe and protected, may I be peaceful and happy, may I be healthy and strong”. Then say it for someone else. This can be the beginning of a peaceful compassion practice.


It can be tempting to want to escape the material world: disliking your body, mismanaging finances, and disregarding important tasks that need to be done. Yet honoring your body and taking care of yourself in other ways is what keeps you grounded. Finding time to meditate, to be mindful in the present moment, to have love for yourself and savor things in life. Your inner strength encourages others to also have faith in themselves. You can be a role model for others by setting intentions to ground yourself and grow your happiness.

About Brenda

I still get the physiological response about how I felt back then, when my kids’ challenges were so overwhelming, it made me feel like I could not do one more thing. But, regardless of the self imposed guilt or shame I would feel for doing something for myself, I chose to awaken to a new way of thinking, to find ways to make my own life better. Studying the Science of Happiness, Positive Psychology and Social and Emotional Learning to increase my awareness and understanding of the human condition, I was able to have a new positive perspective on life.

It is important to understand that differences, disabilities, and challenges are all a part of the human condition. My intention is for “Grow Your Happy” to provide opportunities for parents to rethink and redefine their current mindset. To develop a new set-point for happiness for themselves and their loved ones, so even when difficulties and obstacles do arise, they can bounce back, and live their best life.

I still get the physiological response about how I felt back then, when my kids’ challenges were so overwhelming, it made me feel like I could not do one more thing. But, regardless of the self imposed guilt or shame I would feel for doing something for myself, I chose to awaken to a new way of thinking, to find ways to make my own life better. Studying the Science of Happiness, Positive Psychology and Social and Emotional Learning to increase my awareness and understanding of the human condition, I was able to have a new positive perspective on life.

It is important to understand that differences, disabilities, and challenges are all a part of the human condition. My intention is for “Grow Your Happy” to provide opportunities for parents to rethink and redefine their current mindset. To develop a new set-point for happiness for themselves and their loved ones, so even when difficulties and obstacles do arise, they can bounce back, and live their best life.

“Optimism generates hope…hope releases dreams…
dreams set goals…enthusiasm follows”

~ Martin Siliegman

Moving from a negative or closed mindset to one of positivity and optimism brings the energy of expansion that will help open you up to happiness and possibilities. What’s possible is limitless if we just open ourselves up and allow good things into our lives!

Optimism and Happiness is Teachable,
Obtainable and Builds Resilience

The more positive emotions we bring into our lives, the stronger our foundation. We can continue to build life satisfaction and happiness, to be able to better withstand life’s challenges and to live a happy life.

Take the first step toward obtaining information for your happiness. See where you currently are on
the happiness skills continuum! Take this 2-minute happiness skills quiz.

Wake up each day and choose to live with intention. Awaken to be present in each moment, savoring what life has to offer you. Life will still be filled with obstacles and challenges, but with learning practices, habits and strategies for optimism and happiness, you can become more resilient and develop a new perspective on life.

Wake up each day and choose to live with intention. Awaken to be present in each moment, savoring what life has to offer you. Life will still be filled with obstacles and challenges, but with learning practices, habits and strategies for optimism and happiness, you can become more resilient and develop a new perspective on life.

Choose to Grow Your Happy today!